Thought to have originated
over 2000 years ago in ancient China the art of pyrotechnics has been developed
over the centuries into the fantastic multi-coloured firework displays we see
today at many events and functions. Largely associated with Guy Fawkes
celebrations on November 5th and new year celebrations, fireworks and laser
light displays are also being more commonly used at weddings, private parties,
special occasions, music concerts, festivals, summer outdoor evenings and
corporate events.
Making the best use of
Firework or laser light displays are a fantastic way to bring any event or
function to a spectacular, memorable close. Unless your event is based around
your firework or laser display, holding your firework display towards the end of
your event will also help to keep your event goers or guest at your event or
function to the very end and reduce the drifting of home as many will want to
see the firework display before they leave. |
How many do I need?
it comes to professional firework displays it's not about how many fireworks do
I need but how long do you want your display to last. Are you looking to wow
your guests with a short spectacular finale display or a much longer firework
night display perhaps accompanied by music or singing? Either way your firework
display company will be able to advise you and will individually plan a
fantastic firework display around your requirements. |
Booking suggestions
annual firework events such as Guy Fawkes night and new year's eve it's always
advisable to book your firework display company several months in advance (4-6
months). For other events and functions a couple of months should be sufficient
but don't leave it to the last minute. Fees.
A quotation is usually provided by the firework display business and a deposit
is sometimes required with final payment closer to the event date. |
Regulations, insurance and other useful notes
firework display company should be able to provide you with details of their
public liability insurance cover, however if you are holding a public
event you need to provide your own liability insurance cover in addition to that
of the firework display company. Fireworks for display purposes must be
positioned at least 25 metres from any spectator, building or other hazards so
check that you have enough space available. Your firework display company will
be able to advise you more about space requirements. |