Spectacular medieval jousting
tournaments and huge civil war battles between royalist and parliamentarians
will always have great appeal to event goers. Many of us would have seen or have
heard about some of the more popular re-enactments groups and organisations such
as the "The Sealed Knot". Re-enactors come in a variety of guises from walkabout
Stuart period costume displays and world war two soldiers to Viking and Tudor
life reenactments which make a great arena attraction for all types of events
and size.
Making the best use of
Re-enactment displays are a great way to add a theme to your event, for example
if you're holding a commemorative event based around the Normandy landings in
1944 or 1940s era there are a large variety of world war two re-enactment groups
re-enacting many of the civilian services and military forces involved from fire
brigades, air raid wardens and home guard volunteers to British marines and US
101st & 82nd airborne troops etc. |
How many do I need?
A lot
depends upon the size of the event or function you're planning to hold, for a
private function such as a wedding where a guard of honour may be required one
re-enactment club should be able to accommodate your requirements. Whereas if
you're looking to hold a large main arena display or battle scene several
re-enactments groups may be needed to cover various aspects which will need to
be coordinated between the re-enactors. |
Booking suggestions
many of the re-enactment organisations running their own annual events, some
being pre booked for national commemorative events several years in advance and
many in constant demand by TV and film makers you need to think about booking
your re-enactment well in advance. Fees. For private functions a fee is
sometimes charged to cover expenses. For events rates are negotiated depending
on the event size and requirements. |
Regulations, insurance and other useful notes
re-enactment organisations should be able to provide you with proof of public
liability insurance cover if requested. Camping area and facilities will
need to be provided if you are holding a re-enactment display or battle usually
about ten acres plus toilets and water. The battle site depending upon size will
need a minimum of five to ten acres of easily viewable space. Public closure
orders may be required and need to be applied for if roads, lanes or paths cross
camp site or proposed battle site. |