Information Centre

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General Enquiries
For all user enquiries, directory information, website help, user guidance and general information. 0345 226 7373

Advertising Enquiries
For all advertising related enquiries, to place an advert, update your adverts and other advertisers enquiries. 01278 663344

All Email Enquiries
Alternatively you can email us your enquiry or questions via our online form, ideal if out of office hours. Email Form

Calls to 0345 numbers are charged for at the same rate as standard 01/02 numbers and are also included in many inclusive call minute packages from land lines and mobile phones.

ExpandOffice Information

Office Opening Times
Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.30pm
Saturday 9.00am - 12.00 Midday

Office Closing Times
We are closed for all UK bank holidays and the following annual breaks...
Spring 2022 - 1st - 8th June
Summer 2022 - 7th - 14th Sept
Christmas 2022 - 23rd Dec - 3rd Jan

Office Postal Address
.................... Dept
The Granary
King Alfred Business Centre
North Newton
Somerset. TA7 0BB

ExpandMaking Payments

Card Payments
We are able to take payments via most of the major credit and debit cards please phone with your card details.

Online Banking
You can pay directly though your bank using the following account details.
Account Name. Villagefetes
Account No. 25040586
Sort Code. 04-06-05
Please use your account number that is provided on your invoice as reference.

Yes, we still accept cheques!
Please make payable to "Villagefetes" and for reference please put your name, address and account number on the back or on any remittance slip.

Standard rate value added tax is applied to all our advertising prices and related website services fees.
Registration No: 811 2282 71

ExpandSite Search Tool

Last Edited: 19/11/2019

Information Centre

-Accessibility and Compatibility

1. When referring to 'sites', 'website' or 'websites'... we are referring to one or all of the following websites,,,,, and
2. When referring to 'Villagefetes'... we are referring to the business that owns the websites above (1).

What is Web Accessibility?
Put simply web accessibility refers to the practice of creating websites that are usable by people of all abilities and importantly those with disabilities on a wide range of devices from mobile phones to desktop computers.

Our Accessibility Policy
We are fully committed as an online business to making all of our websites fully accessible to as wide an audience as practically possible. We support many of the principles put together by The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) produced by the World Wide Web Consortium, and will continue to design new content and improve older content to comply with many of those recommended guidelines. With that said, complying to new standards comes at a price and with people using a multitude of mobile and desktop devices using old and new web browsers it's becoming increasingly difficult and resource intensive to create backward compatible websites, particularly for pre 2011 browsers.

HTTPS Encryption and Data Security
The secure transfer of user data to and from our websites and servers is taken very seriously at Villagefetes and as a result upgrading all our websites to HTTPS was made priority back in 2016. However due to the lack of backward handling on modern servers to non HTTPS capable web browsers, this upgrade in itself has forced us to abandon the practice of ensuring accessibility to all pre 2011 browsers particularly those running on Windows XP or older OS's. The introduction of using site wide encryption has also meant that sending a referring URL from our sites to non secure domains has impacted those monitoring click thru stats, although we have put in place a temporary fix, as the internet moves over to full encryption the problem will be self fixing with passing time.

Older Web Browsers
Although many of our website pages may still currently view well in some older web browsers (pre 2011), we can confidently predict that over the next few years the current accessibility for users with very old browsers will disappear completely. Given the design limitations and resources required in creating backward compatible content, as from 2016 Villagefetes accessibility policy is that we will only check content for full accessibility and compatibility in the current and two previous versions of any one particular browser. However most of our websites will continue to work in pre 2016 browsers with only a small amount of features and appearance downgrades along with a loss of mobile responsiveness.

Browsing and Security Improvements
We regularly check all our websites for accessibility in the recent versions of popular web browsers but to make the most of our new website features and to improve your security online we always recommend that you update to the latest version of your chosen web browser and OS (operating system). However that's not always practical nor affordable, so if you still use an OS and browser after the end of support ensure you have the final version with all available updates, we would suggest that Firefox and Google Chrome are less problematic at handling modern websites than Microsoft® Internet Explorer.

Ongoing Accessibility Improvements
Improvements to accessibility and the overall design to all of our websites is a continuous ongoing working process. Since 2016 we have made many important accessibility improvements to many key areas and the design layout of all our websites, these mainly include: Mobile Responsiveness, our continuing focus has been the process of moving to a fully mobile responsive website design that will be viewable across all devices. However given the size and complexity of our sites we hope to be fully mobile responsive by the end of 2020. Tables, we have minimised their usage where possible and are now used for laying out tabular information only. Images used for visual presentation have self explanatory alternative and title text (so if you've turned off images or you can't see the image you can still understand what it contains or where it links to). JavaScript's are used in moderation and users accessibility is not restricted when scripting is unavailable or has been disabled by the user. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) used for layout and visual presentation conform to the W3C specifications and will allow content to be available to a wider selection of mobile devices and readers.

HTML Emails and Newsletters
All our emails and newsletters are designed with the same principals as set out above, to be accessible and readable by as wide an audience as practically possible on as many email client programs or email readers. HTML emails (not plain text) layouts are still tables based and have not moved forward much over the past years (in terms of standards) unlike standards based web pages. Problems in viewing visually appealing HTML emails usually arise through the limitations of the various email software and the "auto turn off" of images.

Email Client or Reader Compatibility
All our HTML email and newsletters are regularly checked for compatibility using the online platform "Email on Acid" and though manual design compatibility checking using the following guide that can be downloaded and viewed by clicking on the following link Campaign Monitor CSS Support

More Information
If you have any comments or experience any difficulty or problem viewing either the website, content or our email newsletters please contact us with details of the software and version being used, your operating system, your screen resolution settings, your device and model plus a good description of the problem with the address of the webpage causing the problem.