P this spooky bouquet features emily's iconic monochromatic blue colour scheme, bringing an extra touch of 'undead' to your corpse bride outfit'. '.strtoupper('p')erfect as the finishing touch to a halloween costume or cosplay'! '.strtoupper('p') ul ... P this corpse bride emily mask will transport you to the world of tim burton'! '.strtoupper('s')tunningly detailed with his elegant illustration, its one of a kind design makes it the perfect finishing touch for your emily costume this halloween'. '.... P cosmetic tool set, with precision brush, sponge stipple sponge'. '.strtoupper('p') ul li product code 49018 li ul P cosmic moon metallic eye liner, assorted, boxset, 10ml p ul li product code s15782 li ul P cosmic moon metallic hair streaks, assorted, boxset, 15ml p ul li product code s22582 li ul P cosmic moon metallic pigment shaker, assorted, boxset, 4.2g p ul li product code s22087 li ul P cow print cowboy hat, with cord p ul li product code 80570 li ul P cowboy stitched hat, brown p |