A futuristic looking colour change mood lamp, the laser sphere projector has a split personality'! '.strtoupper('a') stylish looking, soothing colour change light, remove the iridescent semi sphere diffuser and a dazzling light show projects star and... Real life arcade action in your very own living room, have hours of fun as you turn your home into a full on action heist'! '.strtoupper('t')he laser tag shooting game contains two mini laser guns with interactive sounds, lights and more'! '.strtoupp... The laserlite is a two function high quality pocket light, combining a red laser beam pointer ideal for presentations or playing with your cats, plus a powerful 8 lumen led bulb'. '.strtoupper('d')esigned with convenience in mind, it has a pen style ... A striking reminder to look on the brighter side of life, this large globe bulb has a vibrant pink led filament that reads the word laugh'. '.strtoupper('b')right and bold in hot pink, this fun bulb looks fantastic in exposed bulb lighting fixtures w... Naturally soothing lavender is paired with energising, vitalising fennel to help to balance and calm anxious feelings and busy minds'. '.strtoupper('t')he floral, comforting lavender works well with the sweet but slightly earthy peppery spicy fragran... Take a calming walk through purple lavender fields and enjoy a soothing, restful atmosphere with a distinctive floral fragrance'. '.strtoupper('t')he sweet and serene scent of lavender is wonderfully relaxing, making this reed diffuser ideal for use ... Get the kids away from their screens with this outdoor family fun game, the set includes four different coloured darts and two circles, one to be used as a starting mat, and one as the target, each player takes it in turns to throw one of their soft ... Called the 'lazy man cleaning kit the best gift for the lazy man!', but we think it's not just for the lazy man, it could be for the very conscientious man, who doesn't want to miss an opportunity to collect dirt and fluff whenever he can'! '.strtoup... |