Jazz club cutouts 3pcs 20 from our extensive collection of party decorations, this is a pack of 3 decorated jazz musician silhouette cutouts which are printed on both sides and each measuring approx 18 in height and which are printed on both
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Product details - Jazz club cutouts 3pcs 20 from our extensive collection of party decorations, this is a pack of 3 decorated jazz musician silhouette cutouts which are printed on both sides and each measuring approx 18 in height and which are printed on both sides allowing them to be both hung as well as used against the wall'. '.strtoupper('t')he three jazz player silhouette images are saxophone, double bass and trumpet and they are printed in black and white'. '.strtoupper('t')hey will work with a number of costume party themes including gangster, speakeasy, valentines massacre, mardi gras and roarin' twenties fancy dress parties'. '.strtoupper('3')x decorated jazz club cutouts if you are unable to add this product to your basket, please contact us for restocking information'. '.strtoupper('
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